Inauguration of Officials in Politala
Politala- On Friday, October 15, 2021, at the Politala Informatics Engineering Building Hall, an Official Inauguration Ceremony was held in the Politala environment. The ceremony was led by the Director of Politala Dr. Mufrida Zein, S.Ag., M.Pd.
The inauguration ceremony began with singing together the national anthem Indonesia Raya. Furthermore, the Director reads the oath of office, which is followed by 26 inaugurated officials and continues with the signing of the minutes of the oath of office.
The officials who were appointed and took the oath of office were:
- Nuryati, S.T., M.Eng as Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
- Tekad, S.Pd., M.Pd as Deputy Director of General Affairs and Finance
- Titik Wijayati, M.Pd as Deputy Director for Student Affairs and Information
- Anton Kuswoyo, S.Si., M.T as Head of the Center for Research and Community Service
- Ika Kusuma Nugraheni, S.Si., M.Sc as Head of the Center for Learning Development and Education Quality Assurance
- Jaka Permadi, S.Si., M.Cs as Head of the Department of Informatics Engineering
- Nina Hairiyah, S.T.P., M.Si as Chair of the Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology
- Rina Pebriana, S.E, M.Comm as Head of the Department of Economics and Business
- Ir. Rusuminto Syahyuniar, M.T as Head of the Department of Automotive Machinery
- Herpendi, M.Kom as Coordinator of the Computer Network Engineering Technology Study Program
- Marlia Adriana, S.T., M.T as Coordinator of the Road and Bridge Engineering Technology Study Program
- Dwi Sandri, S.Si., MP as Coordinator of Animal Feed Technology Study Program
- Ahmad Rusadi Arrahimi, S.Kom., M.Kom as Secretary of the Department of Informatics Engineering
- Mariatul Kiptiah, S.Sos., M.Si as Secretary of the Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology
- Bella Puspita Rininda, S.Ak., M.A as Secretary of the Department of Economics and Business
- Muhammad Khalil, S.ST., M.T as Secretary of the Department of Automotive Machinery
- Raden Rizki Amalia, S.T., M.Si as Head of the Technical Implementation Unit for Entrepreneurship
- Fathurrahmani, M.Kom as Head of Information and Communication Technology Technical Implementation Unit
- Yuliana Ningsih, S.S., M.Hum as Head of the Language Technical Implementation Unit
- Agustian Noor, M.Kom as Head of the Library Technical Implementation Unit
- Indra Darmawan, STP., M.Sc as Head of Career Center Service Unit
- Veri Julianto, M.Si as Head of PKL Layanan Service Unit
- Moh. Jufri Mashar, S.E as Head of Maintenance and Housekeeping Service Unit
- Akhmad Zulfiansyah, S.Kom as Head of Planning Service Unit
- Triyana Noormanita, S.K.M as Head of Health Service Unit
- Muhammad Ghalih, S.I.Kom., M.Sc as Head of Cooperation Affairs Office (KUI)
Director Politala in his remarks congratulated and successful, to all appointed officials. The Director also hopes that the position held is a mandate that must be carried out as well as possible.
“I express my appreciation to those of you who have worked at Politala for a long time, hopefully they will become more active and maintain the values of the founders of Politala such as caring character, mutual cooperation that is built together,” said the Director. Hms_Politala