
Academic Seminar & International Conference (1st ASIC)

Politala – Tanah Laut State Polytechnic has held an Academic Seminar & International Conference (1st ASIC). This event took place for two days online through Zoom Meeting and Live Streaming YouTube Politala on Thursday and Friday (22-23/7).

Keynote Speakers from various foreign universities were presented at this seminar. They include Dr. Glen Andrew Porter (Assistant Professor, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan), Dr. Atul Kumar (Professor and Head of Research, Dr. D. Y. Patil B-School Pune, Maharashtra, India), Dr. Muhammad Yaseen (Professor and Head Academic Outreach at National Textile University, Faisabalad, Pakistan) and Dr. Pham Thi Hong Yen (Assistant Professor, Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam).

University of Dr. D. Y. Patil B-School (Course Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India) in this case is a partnership and Ghalih Foundation is the event organizer. Then Scholling Education, MERC Global, ANRI, DISPUSIP Tanah Laut, and the Mizanul Amal Musafirin Foundation also supported and sponsored the event.

This online activity was opened by the Director of Politala, Dr. Mufrida Zein, S.Ag., M.Pd. In his speech, Mufrida expressed his gratitude and pride for Politala for the participation of Keynote Speakers from four different countries including Taiwan, India, Pakistan and Vietnam.

This academic seminar and international conference discusses several aspects that exist in the world of education today. These aspects include the importance of studying up to university and what factors can influence someone to continue their education abroad.

Discussions on women’s equality in the right to higher education were also discussed. Where in various countries it is still found the assumption that women do not need to get a higher education, so there is a need for a good understanding of equality for women to get equal rights in education.

It is hoped that with the implementation of the Academic Seminar & International Conference (1st ASIC) this time, teachers, namely lecturers and students from all over the world can collaborate in improving education and technology to face various challenges, especially during the pandemic. Hms_Politala